Baroque in the old town

Samstag, 17. August
15.30 Uhr
Dauer: 60'
Standort: St. Ursen-Kathedrale (Freitreppe)

Of magnificent buildings and past ways of life – Solothurn shows itself in its baroque guise!

The numerous baroque buildings such as the Palais Besenval, the seat of an influential patrician family, or the Jesuit Church, whose façade was donated by King Louis XIV, give Solothurn its unique appearance. The Old Armory and the Ambassadors’ Court also date from the Baroque period.

On the guided tour, you will learn more about the architectural style of the individual buildings, but also about the baroque way of life. After all, it was not only the architecture that was “baroque”, but also all other areas of life such as fashion, art, eating, drinking, gambling and lavish social events.

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